Could some experienced modders point me in the right directions and/or give some tips/documentations to work on my own ? (unless some of the mods described already exist) I am highly motivated but I never did that kind of project and am struggling to find good tuto/resources. Also they could only appear in late game as a response to xcom successes. (eventually) another to rebalance alien kings : one reaction after each xcom move is way too OP but they could be more resistant to status effect and psi-attack. bald with half open back skull & white glowing psi-brain) one to alter avatars' appearance into something more scary (f.i. one to manually set-up enemy spawning chances (in order to be able to almost erase from the game some alien species) On top of that, avatars look ridiculous while they should be the most scary looking enemies of the game. There are some units that I feel do not have their place in the universe (Codex, Spectre, and even Archon). I am a big fan of what 2K did with Xcom 2 but there are some things on which they went a little too crazy to my tastes.